New Truths in Alain Badiou’s Thought

In this paper, I examine Badiou’s idea of the “infinite value of truth” as an important imperative of our post-truth era. The main concepts essential for understanding the creation of truth include the mathematical system of set theory, events, and the relationships between truth and the subject, truth and politics, and truth and art. The …

Cândido Portinari’s art: Toward the real world

Brazilian artist Cândido Portinari, the child of Italian immigrants, grew up on a coffee plantation in the state of São Paulo where his father worked. At the age of fifteen he started his studies at the academy of arts in Rio de Janiero. In his work he wanted to depict the turmoil of the time …

The Nomadic Proletariat

In this interview, Alain Badiou focuses on the concept of the migrant, or the sans-papiers. Badiou discusses the importance of this concept in his previous work and for contemporary politics. Source:

Nikola Tesla’s Machine to End War

The art of thinking Today the most civilized countries of the world spend a maximum of their income on war and a minimum on education. The twenty-first century will reverse this order. It will be more glorious to fight against ignorance than to die on the field of battle. The discovery of a new scientific …

Harun Farocki’s cinema of ruptures – Serious Games

“I try to let the film think.” Harun Farocki (9 January 1944 – 30 July 2014) was a filmmaker, author, and film theorist. He was deeply influenced by Bertolt Brecht and Jean-Luc Godard. Farocki’s films investigate the processes through which images and the messages they carry are constructed, transmitted, and perceived; as well as the …

The Anti-fascist school primer (Cartilla escolar antifascista)

By Mauricio Amster and Walter Reuter The Anti-fascist school booklet was devised as a learning notebook for reading, writing and calculation, but also as an artistic publication by the Popular Front Government at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The Cervantes Institute (Instituto Cervantes) organised an exhibition on this historical document, which also served …

Psychoanalysis and the New Rhetoric reviewed by Gorica Orsholits

Freud, Burke, Lacan, and philosophy’s other scenes by Daniel Adleman and Chris Vanderwees Psychoanalysis and the New Rhetoric is a collaborative work emerging from several years of conversations between Adleman – a rhetorician – and Vanderwees – a psychoanalyst. Their dialogue represents a thoughtful fusion of psychoanalytic practice and theory with new rhetoric, rather effectively …

Biennale Arte 2024: Foreigners Everywhere / Stranieri Ovunque

Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, the title of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, is drawn from a series of works started in 2004 by the Paris-born and Palermo-based collective Claire Fontaine.Foreigners Everywhere was a series of neon signs in several different languages. Named for Stranieri Ovunque, an anarchist collective from …

Soft and weak like water

The 14th Gwangju Biennale 7 April – 9 July 2023 The 14th Gwangju Biennale proposes to imagine our shared planet as a site of resistance, coexistence, solidarity and care by thinking through the transformative and restorative potential of water as a metaphor, a force, and a method. Soft and weak like water celebrates an aqueous …