In this paper, I examine Badiou’s idea of the “infinite value of truth” as an important imperative of our post-truth era. The main concepts essential for understanding the creation of truth include the mathematical system of set theory, events, and the relationships between truth and the subject, truth and politics, and truth and art. The …
Tag Archives: Alain Badiou
The Nomadic Proletariat
In this interview, Alain Badiou focuses on the concept of the migrant, or the sans-papiers. Badiou discusses the importance of this concept in his previous work and for contemporary politics. Source:
Review of A new dawn for politics by Alain Badiou; by Gorica Orsholits
A new dawn for politics is a collection of Alain Badiou’s writings from 2016 and 2020 which comprise essays and lectures on the ideological and political situation worldwide and in France.
Alain Badiou: The Immanence of Truths
Being and Event III The Being and Event trilogy is the philosophical basis of Alain Badiou’s entire oeuvre. It is formed of three major texts, which constitute a kind of metaphysical saga: Being and Event (1988), Logics of the Worlds (2006) and finally The Immanence of Truths (published 19 May 2022), which he has been …
Alain Badiou in Belgrade
Alain Badiou is one of the most inventive and compelling French philosophers. He visited Belgrade on multiple occasions where he gave lectures and interviews. In the videos below, Alain Badiou discusses the four procedures of truth. As exposed in his book The True Life directed at today’s youth, he considers that true life is: “A …
Walking on Thorns – Thoughts on the Art World Today
As consumers, capitalism grooms us to live in the present. Contemporary electoral politics — especially as practiced in the United States — and contemporary twenty-four-hour news media also try and trap our imagination in the present. The past and future, history and long-term imagination, are all obliterated or obscured — crushed by short-term thinking. William …
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What Is To Be Done?
“Communism—the effort to give all men what they need and to ask of each the best they can contribute—this is the only way of human life… In the end communism will triumph.I want to help bring that day.” – W.E.B. Du Bois What Is To Be Done? A Dialogue on Communism, Capitalism, and the Future …
A Worker Reads History
Japanese Posters Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Russian workers opposing the war between Manchuria and Mongolia; Design by Yanase Masamu 1927. Chinese and Japanese peasants working together, 1929; Design by Ōtsuki Genji. The Factory as Event Site by Alain Badiou Why Should The Worker Be a Reference in Our Vision Of Politics? The analytical and objective …
Thinking on Screen – Films About Philosophers
Antonio Negri – A Revolt that Never Ends BADIOU Derrida: The Documentary Gramsci: Everything that Concerns People Hannah Arendt Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir Living in the End Times (According to Slavoj Zizek) Marx Reloaded The Ister Adi Shankarachaary Conversation of The World – Valentin Y. Mudimbe and Boaventura de Sousa Santos Мераб Мамардашвили\Merab …
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Aesthetic mode of production as reversal – “retournement”
By aesthetic mode of production we understand the combination of factors whose effect is to operate the reversal. To operate the reversal means to give an ideological function to certain real-imaginary elements that are regionally produced by a historically determined state of the aesthetic process. We might say that art repeats in the real the …
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