The Anti-fascist school primer (Cartilla escolar antifascista)

By Mauricio Amster and Walter Reuter The Anti-fascist school booklet was devised as a learning notebook for reading, writing and calculation, but also as an artistic publication by the Popular Front Government at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. The Cervantes Institute (Instituto Cervantes) organised an exhibition on this historical document, which also served …

Španija između smrti i rađanja – Spain between death and birth (Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939) by Oto Bihalji–Merin

“Francisco Goya through ‘Dos de Mayo’ preserved the memory of death in the streets of Madrid. His skepticism is more sarcastic, his protest is more passionate, his smile is more furious than to anyone who was speaking trough art before him. His paintings are a revelation of the horrible world of tyranny and oppression of …