Harun Farocki’s cinema of ruptures – Serious Games

“I try to let the film think.” Harun Farocki (9 January 1944 – 30 July 2014) was a filmmaker, author, and film theorist. He was deeply influenced by Bertolt Brecht and Jean-Luc Godard. Farocki’s films investigate the processes through which images and the messages they carry are constructed, transmitted, and perceived; as well as the …

Pasolini’s Realism

“I criticized neorealism for remaining subjective and lyricizing, which was another feature of the cultural epoch before the Resistance. So, neorealism is a cultural product of the Resistance in regard to its content and message, but stylistically it is still tied to pre-Resistance culture. Basically there is something rather hybrid about it. Anyway, if you …