Aesthetic mode of production as reversal – “retournement”

By aesthetic mode of production we understand the combination of factors whose effect is to operate the reversal. To operate the reversal means to give an ideological function to certain real-imaginary elements that are regionally produced by a historically determined state of the aesthetic process. We might say that art repeats in the real the …

Resistance in the World of Art: New relations between sensibility, form and inform

Philosophy and Politics

Justice is the philosophical name of the inconsistency, for the state, of any equalitarian political orientation. And we can here join the declarative and axiomatic vocation of the poem. For it is Paul Celan who probably gives us the most exact image of what we must understand by ʻjusticeʼ: On inconsistencies Lean:flickin the abyss, in …

Rhapsody for the Theatre

[ … ] next to the spiritual suspicion that befalls theatre, there is always the vigilant concern of the State, to the point where all theatre has been one of the affairs of the State and remains so to this day! Who fails to see that this territorial and mental division has the additional merit …

Does the Notion of Activist Art Still Have Meaning?

Alain Badiou recognizes the ontological difference between an art of representation – official art – which presumes that the result of political emancipation is present, and an art able to create emancipatory change through its own presentation – militant art – that is an art of the current situation which is not compatible with the …

The End – According to Badiou

Living in the post-traumatic age – after Auschwitz – and still witnessing on a daily basis various forms of barbarism ranging from local wars, nationalisms, to classism, racism, sexism and numerous other yet-to-be-named ‘-isms’, we have reached the point when awareness of our own being has been radically shaken. Self-doubt prompted many academics to depressively …

What Does the Poem Think? – Que pense le poème?

A public lecture on poetry by Alain Badiou at Théâtre de Vidy in Lausanne, Switzerland. For the philosopher, “poetry has always been a place of thought, a procedure of truth”, but unlike philosophy, poetry is a thought in action, which realizes in language, the singularity of the presence of sensibility.